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The Training Center began operating in July 19th, 2001 in conjunction with the Pan American Foundation for Development (FUPAD), the OEA and COMPAQ. Approval of the District Department of Education Resolution No. 0620 of July 17th, 2009; Our objective is to benefit young people from the most vulnerable sectors of Cartagena, providing technical and computing training, according to the needs of the labor market.
At the Institute, students and graduates will be able to take advantage of the comprehensive training program allowing them to demonstrate their ability to think critically, make important decisions, efficiently utilize resources. Additionally, the teamwork-based exercises will promote the development of a creative attitude, as well as strong communication, conflict resolution, and investigative skills. Following the completion of our courses, graduates will be well positioned to obtain employment in high potential economic sectors.

The Institute of Formation of the Indufrial Foundation, through its programs of education for work and human development, has as its mission the Integral and Permanent Technical Training of Human Talent, focused on the development of Basic and specific competences, promoting the training in skills To generate and apply knowledge in the solution of real problems in accordance with the needs of the business sector of the city of Cartagena, to contribute to the improvement of the quality of life of the students and their families and the modernization of the productive sectors.

By 2020, the Training Institute will dynamically orient the articulated processes of teaching, technical assistance for entrepreneurship and labor linkage in the technological, social and environmental fields to contribute to the development and positioning of the region in a scenario of high competitiveness, Designing academic curricula and improvement programs in order to train qualified personnel with the capacity to respond to the new challenges of the regional economy and the country.
Los programas del Centro de Capacitación, son enfocados a la proyección laboral y desarrollo social, comprometidos en la formación necesaria para atender a los distintos problemas en el ámbito educativo, personal, emocional de los jóvenes, ofreciendo una formación integral en el mundo donde la competitividad académica y ocupacional es cada vez mayor.
Ecological and Environmental
Corporate values
Institutional Management
Social responsability

Politics of
The Indufrial Foundation Training Institute is committed to offering education programs for Work and Human Development that contribute to the integral improvement of the quality of life of our community, to meet the needs of the labor market, through Technical Labor and Academic programs, With the support of a qualified, competent and constantly developing team responsible for providing the service and continuous improvement of the Quality Management System, ensuring the sustainability of the Institution. "

Our programs have two components: The Lectivo component that includes the Technical-Practical training and the Labor component. The student has the opportunity to develop values such as sense of responsibility, punctuality, honesty, etc. Participation in the labor field allows you to familiarize yourself with the environment in which you are and maintain interpersonal relationships with the work group.